Loving People, Preaching Truth,
 as an Independent Baptist Church

Our History

We are an Independent Baptist Church, With an emphasis on the Word of God, the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the Family, and our Responsibility as Bible Believers. The First Baptist Church of Conestee endeavors to maintain a spiritual environment where people of all ages can grow in the nurture and admonition of the LORD.

Our church was established over 100 years ago. The land on which the church is built was given to the community by the Conestee Mill for $1.00 to start the church. For all these years the Lord has enabled the church to remain in the community as the First Baptist Church and has allowed the congregation to grow and our facility to expand. Throughout our history there have been a number of pastors including J. Harold Smith. Our current pastor has served for more than 30 years.

During these 30+ years the Lord has led in many construction projects which have completely changed the property. The church moved the parsonage and added a gymnasium in 1993. In 2000 as the congregation grew, the church started construction of a new auditorium which was completed in December of 2001.

In 1994 the Lord was kind to raise up Conestee Baptist Day School which was established with the sole purpose of training the young people of the church. More than 25 years later, the school is still ministering to the young people of the church family.